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br1dgeoverwater make a way outta no way

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my blogger code is B1 d- t- k+ s- u– f+ i o++ x- e+ l- c–

I have no idea what it means but the survey asked me about sex and how much i blog and all other nonsense. I guess some people can say that they have safely had some sort of "meeting" with an online blogger but I would never do it. Well maybe it’s because I am young when I’m older I might go out and try to meet other people online…or not. But I could never meet someone online and then arrange to meet them to have that "bit of fun". This maybe nonsense to some but I’m abstinent and having one night stands – or however long it might be – is not very appealing to me. In my mind somewhere I have this romance etched out for myself in rainbow ink. Not finding a perfect boyfriend but someone I will stay in love with for the rest of my life, and I would present my virginity to him and no one else. dreamy isn’t it.


Written by 松本 ダニエール

August 22, 2008 at 11:16 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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